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FAMAGA always strives to provide the best prices and timings of supplies for its customers. We sell only original equipment and spare parts, although we are not always the official distributor or manufacturer's dealer. All displayed trademarks and part numbers are the property of their respective owners.

UNIVER is one of the largest Italian manufacturers of components for industrial automation. The company was founded in 1971 and began its activities in the field of automation when, in 1973, it developed and manufactured the first series of pneumatic valves and poppet valves for vacuum.

In 1988 UNIVER developed octagonal-tube cylinders with anti-rotation piston, in 2000 - electrically actuated micro-valves. After several years of experience in the production of pneumatic components, the company entered the automotive market, the automotive division was established, and since then UNIVER has been offering turnkey solutions for the automotive industry.

The electronics division, like the automotive division, is specialized in the research, development and production of electrical and electronic devices integrated into UNIVER products. Today the headquarters of UNIVER, which is responsible for the coordination and organization of the sales network, is located in Milan, Italy. UNIVER's commercial service guarantees prompt and efficient service through offices and distributors throughout the country.

The UNIVER Group has many partner companies and an active distribution network serving the most important areas of the industry. UNIVER has divisions and branches in countries such as Australia, Brazil, France, Finland, Germany, England, Poland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

Pneumatic cylinders

Standard microcylinders of the M series for the food and pharmaceutical industry, the KL cylinder series with a new profile design for easier cleaning, the KE series with a new design, the KD series for heavy duty, the K series in a wide diameter range. The company produces a large number of series of pneumatic cylinders of various types for the automation of industrial processes. Standard compact cylinders are available in the RP / RM, RO / RN, RS, RQ, RV series.

In the OV series, oval cylinders, in the W series - the company has developed cylinders with a short stroke, in the R, YR2, YR3 series, single-acting, double-acting or double-acting rotary cylinders, rodless cylinders of the S1, S5, VL1 series, cylinders with guides of the J1, J3 series , J5, J64RS, J64RT2, J65, JL, JT, JX1, JX2, YDA-YDR series dampers, various accessories.

Pneumatic drives, grippers, interlocks

The company's catalog contains blocking units of the L1-N, L6, NFZ 160/200 series for cylinders and piston rods, telescopic cylinders of the RT and RW series with a built-in valve, pneumatic actuators of the NFZ, NQZ, NTZ series, including those with built-in blocking.

Pneumatic valves

In the product catalog, you can find a valve for flow control, a pneumatic valve, an electro-valve with a direct control, an electro-pneumatic valve with pneumatic control and an electromagnetic control for air or vacuum. The range of valves for pneumatics includes electrically operated valves of the B11 / B10 / B12, B, A, AA, AB series, with electric pilots with a poppet valve system and a soft seal, soft start pneumatic valves, standard valves of the BE, AE, BD, AC-N series with short internal travel and modular base, Univer spool valves in the CL / CM, E, F, G6, GL6, G7, PS series, for high flow rates and for vacuum applications, poppet valves in the AC, CH, AF, AG series, AI, AI-JET, AI-JET2, AM, compact valves P10, P15, P15E with fast response time, pneumatic valve blocks, auxiliary valves of YR, AP, AM, HZ9N, YF, YG-6300 series, and various accessories, buttons, manual, pneumatic and mechanical actuators for valves.

Pneumatic filters, regulators and accessories

Pneumatic equipment Univer also includes pneumatic chokes, valve terminals, pneumatic valve controllers, electrically controlled and manually operated valve. For air purification in pneumatic systems, the manufacturer offers HZE-F series filters, HZE-R regulators, HZE-L lubricators, HZE-B filter regulators, HZE-D filters regulators with lubricators, HZE-P and HZE-S shut-off valves, pressure gauges HZ9P.

The choice of components ensures that any compressed air preparation unit can be assembled. The company also produces precision regulators HZRP10 and HZRP20 for applications requiring high flow capacity and accurate process control, micro pressure regulators of the HZRM series with an integrated valve and filter, Univer pneumatic valves, ready-made air treatment units, a wide range of fittings and quick-disconnect connections with which the manufactured shut-off valve is used. 

Pneumatic Power Clamps

For industrial applications, Univer has developed and manufactures pneumatic power clamps of the UBP, UBH, IBP, UBS, UDP, UBM, IBM, UBQ, UBT, UFL-UHL series, various diameters, with an adjustable opening angle, electronic sensor with a rotary connector.

Products for the automotive industry

In this category, the Univer products contain retractable locating and support pins equipped with an electronic sensor with a rotatable M12 connector, pneumatic pin clamps, LUP63 with shank and pin, LSLG manual latches. The manufacturer offers pneumatic gripping blocks UGP40 with a fully adjustable opening angle, gripping block with a UGM40 hand lever, pneumatic grippers LGPS32-40 with an infinitely variable opening angle, pneumatic power hinges of the DMA and LAGP series with different opening angles and table mounting options, pneumatic shock absorption in the open and closed position, PRD series marking units for letters or numbers up to 8 mm high and PRP series metal forming blocks. In the category of additional products, there are clamping arms of various sizes, accessories of the UBK and UBF series, the sensor of the DF series. A range of electrical units is also available, which includes clamps of the LAE series, clamps conforming to the NAAMS standard in the LNE series, grippers of the LGE series.

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The video above was taken from Univer official website/Youtube channel.

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